The Call for Papers ended on the 15th of February 2024. Paper submission is no longer possible.
*Press here if you want to amend your submission.
Call for Papers, Special Sessions, and Creative Proposals
Islands face increasing freshwater challenges due to climate change, amongst other factors, that need to be addressed urgently and often require bespoken island responses. While the international community has focused on global water concerns and opportunities through the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other international fora and instruments, more attention must be placed on the specific water-related issues of islands. In addition, while there is an “islandness” that brings together all islands, islands also have specific characteristics that make every island different and unique, which require tailoring and customisation of strategies and approaches. Even in the Faroe Islands, each of the 18 islands have their unique distinctiveness, which often calls for bespoke freshwater responses.
Against this background, the IWRA’s 1st Islands Water Congress on “Freshwater and Islands: Administration, Collaboration, and Innovation” creates an ongoing forum for island-specific responses to freshwater challenges and opportunities. Through this event, and specifically by creating a forum for experts from around the world on this critical topic, the Association looks forward to attracting knowledgeable professionals who are interested in engaging and contributing to the generation and exchange of knowledge and information.
Accordingly, this call seeks papers, special sessions and other creative contributions on each one of the three themes of administration, collaboration and innovation, both in relation to the Faroe Islands and beyond.
The Congress seeks contributions reflecting the challenges experienced in islands from all geographic contexts to enable a broad discussion reflecting the diverse water challenges faced by islands.
1. The Administration of Freshwater on Islands
This theme seeks contributions on:
– the concept/content of freshwater administration on islands; and
– the role of regulation in the administration of freshwater on islands.
The administration of freshwater on islands presents nuances and possible differences vis-à-vis mainland approach. Furthermore, administration of freshwater may be impacted by an island’s jurisdictional setting (Sovereign Islands States vs Sub National Island Jurisdictions). We welcome contributions critically assessing the concept/content of freshwater administration and how it relates to islands, including with specific references to their jurisdictional setting.
Additionally, the administration of freshwater on islands requires policy and regulation. Amongst possible topics, this sub-theme will explore: the role of regulation in bringing surface and groundwater together within a common island water administrative system, maintaining the resilience of biodiversity and ecosystem services, administering water for energy production within an island setting, and dealing with the conflict between different uses of underground spaces (eg mining vs groundwater extraction).
Contributions for this sub-theme will assist in identifying good regulatory practices from islands relevant for an effective administration of freshwater on islands. Such good practices will be shared both with the Congress host island nation (the Faroe Islands) and with a wider global island audience.
2. Collaboration in the Administration of Freshwater on Islands
This theme seeks contributions that shed light:
– on different actors who partake in the different phases and processes that relate to the administration of freshwater on islands; and
– on the need for such actors to collaborate in the administration of freshwater on islands.
The administration of freshwater on islands features a wide range of different actors involved in the capture, processing, delivery, use and disposal of freshwater. These include, but are not limited to, public and private utilities, companies, independent water providers, farmers and other stakeholders in the agriculture and aquaculture sector, the tourism sector and, definitely not last and definitely not least, the local island peoples and communities who rely on freshwater resources for their drinking and sanitation needs. We welcome contributions presenting case studies, spotlights and stories about individuals and organisations who are dealing with freshwater challenges and opportunities in island environments. In particular, we encourage personal stories of the untold heroes and champions of freshwater resources on islands.
Additionally, all actors involved in the administration of freshwater on islands need to work together, often more so than in a mainland context. Collaborations can be considered at a global level within international organisations or international initiatives, or at an island level, grassroots level, and amongst young islanders. We welcome contributions that decipher and attempt to better understand existing networks and other forms of collaborations in the context of the administration of freshwater on islands with an overall aim of suggesting increased forms of collaboration going forward.
3. Innovation in the Administration of Freshwater on Islands
This theme seeks contributions that present:
– innovation that improves freshwater administration; and
– innovation that better captures the value of freshwater on islands.
Innovation can be framed in hard (technological) and soft (socio-economic) terms. The administration of freshwater resources on islands requires a combination of both hard and soft innovation. Both are also urgently needed to face global pressures coming from climate change and other factors. Furthermore, the effective administration of freshwater on islands requires island communities to have their voice heard when it comes to incorporating hard innovations into the administration of freshwater resources. We welcome contributions exploring innovation in, amongst others, desalinization, water and wastewater treatment and recycling, water use efficiency, hydropower, nature-based solutions, groundwater abstraction, the WEFE nexus – water, energy, food, ecosystems nexus. We also welcome contributions focusing on ways in which islands can best deal with climate change challenges, including increased variability in climatic conditions and sea-level rise with the heightened risks for saltwater intrusion of groundwater resources. We also welcome contributions aimed at better understanding how to drive finance flows toward such hard innovations in a way that promotes effective administration of freshwater on islands and contributions that deepen the understanding of public participation of island peoples and communities into the administration of freshwater resources as a form of soft innovation.
Additionally, effective administration of freshwater on islands also requires island communities to have their visions and values understood when it comes to incorporating hard and soft innovations into the administration of freshwater resources. In particular, there needs to be a broad understanding of the different ways in which water is valued by the island community and by other actors, and how these values impact on the use and administration of freshwater. We welcome contributions that explore the diverse values of water on islands, including but not limited to its economic value, cultural value, and the value of water for ecosystems.
Themes | 1. Administration of Freshwater on Islands | 2. Collaboration in the Administration of Freshwater on Islands | 3. Innovation in the Administration of Freshwater on Islands |
Sub themes | (1a) concept of freshwater administration on islands | (2a) different actors who partake in the administration of freshwater on islands | (3a) innovation that improves freshwater administration processes (hard and soft innovation) |
(1b) the role of regulation in the administration of freshwater on islands | (2b) need for such actors to collaborate in the administration of freshwater on islands | (3b) innovation that better captures the value of freshwater on islands |
The Congress will also be a celebration of freshwater within an island context, including arts, culture and the lives of the younger island generations. With this in mind, we encourage three different sets of contributions in response to this call.
Paper Proposals
We invite individual paper proposals that address one or more of the Congress themes listed above. Paper proposals should include an abstract of 300 words.
Please indicate if you wish your paper to be considered for publication. We plan to publish special issues from the Congress with Water International and the Island Studies Journal. The deadline for full paper submission for publication is listed below.
Special Session Proposals
The Congress also welcomes special session proposals, which should include abstracts for each paper up to a maximum of 1200 words. If your special session is organised in a different way (for example an experts roundtable), please enter a 500 words description of the special session indicating names and affiliations of speakers who will feature. Possible overarching topics for special sessions are:
- What After New York – The Future of Global Water Cooperation from an Islands’ Perspective
- Freshwater and Islands: A Business Perspective
- Freshwater and Islands: a Nordic Perspective
- Freshwater and Islands: a Faroese Perspective
- Freshwater and Islands: Regulation
Impact is a key aspect of the Congress. Special sessions proposals are expected to include a brief statement on the desired or expected impact resulting from the special session or from implementation of ideas discussed at the session. In addition, special sessions organisers and/or participants may be invited to contribute to the practical tools jointly agreed with Faroe Islands key stakeholders. Such practical tools will be of specific application to the Faroese freshwater context, but also relevant to islands beyond the Faroe Islands more generally, as well as non-island nations and communities in some cases.
Creative Proposals
We also invite proposals for innovative and creative sessions that address one or more of the Congress themes listed above. Sessions can include poetry readings, exhibitions, photography, performances of any kind and interactive activities.
Please indicate if you wish your creative session to result in an output, which can be featured on the Congress Website.
New Deadline for submission of proposals | 15th February 2024 |
Deadline for response from proposals | 29th February 2024 |
Full paper submission deadline for publications | 31st October 2024 |